Rumali Supreme Privacy Promise

  • We respect your privacy. We will never sell or rent your email address to anyone else for their marketing.

Here's what we collect and why:

    • Comments: When you leave a comment, we save your name, email (if provided), website (if provided), and some technical information to help us fight spam.
    • Images: If you upload a picture, please be careful not to include your location in the image itself. Many devices automatically add location data to photos, which could potentially reveal your home address or other personal locations. Most smartphones and cameras allow you to turn off location tagging or remove it before uploading. Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the website.
    • Cookies: We use tiny files called cookies to make your visit smoother (like remembering your name if you comment again). You can usually manage cookie settings within your browser.
  • Sometimes we embed content from other websites. These other websites might collect some data about you through their own cookies or tracking.

Keeping your payments safe:

We offer PayPal and Mpesa for secure payments. To learn more about how they handle your financial information, please check out their respective privacy policies:

We might share your data in a few specific cases:

  • If you need to reset your password, we’ll include your IP address in the reset email.

How long we store your information:

    • Comments are kept forever.
    • If you create an account on our website, we’ll also store the information you put in your profile.

Your rights:

  • You can ask for a copy of any information we have about you.
  • You can ask us to delete your information.

Where Your Comment Data Might Be Sent

Comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service.


For any privacy-specific concerns or requests regarding your data, please contact us through our official communication channels provided on our website.